22 Apr 2020

Morning Yoga Stretches To Wake Up

Most people nowadays resort to yoga for health reasons, as well as health benefits. Yoga has been found to be a brilliant way of stretching out the pains and aches of one’s body, staying fit, and getting focused. Yoga stretches also provide a means to relax and let out stress, reduce muscle pains, increase flexibility, and center the mind. There are various yoga stretches for stress relief, yoga stretches that one can do at work, and even yoga stretches while watching the television. Here are two basic yoga stretches that one can do to start the day right:

These stretches are an easy and gentle way to start the day, as waking up every morning can usually be a tough part. These yoga stretches can help one focus, get energized, and relaxed. Before starting any of the stretches, begin with slowly inhaling and exhaling for a few minutes, then breathe and relax within the poses.

Spinal Stretch
Best mid back stretches for relieving middle back pain
Credit: medical news today
Sit cross-legged on the floor, press the sit bones to the floor, lengthen the spine, and reach up with the head’s crown. Maintain both sitting bones flat on the floor while performing the stretch. Put the left hand on the right knee, then inhale and stretch the spine. Exhale, then do a right twist, breathe, then return to center position, switch sides and do again.

Cat Tilt
Dog/Cat Tilts On Hands And Knees
Credit: hips.hearstapps.com
The position is done like that of a cat, with all four (both hands and both knees) onto the floor; the wrist should be under the shoulder and the knees under the hips. Stretch the spine, reaching the head’s crown towards the wall in front, and the tailbone toward the wall behind. Deeply inhale, then exhale and round the back up in the direction of the ceiling, drawing the chin in the navel’s direction. At the next exhale, arch the back, dropping the belly in the direction of the floor, lifting the collarbones and sit bones, at the same time as gazing up to the ceiling; the sequence should be done three times.

The benefits of yoga stretches done first thing in the morning have been positive for a lot of people, and have helped most practitioners with their waking problems, as well as starting their day healthily and energetically, bringing more positive attitude throughout their day, both at work and at home, at the same time as building a healthy daily habit.

20 Apr 2020

Yoga Benefits For Kids

fitness, yoga, and daughter image

In today’s busy world, children are going through a lot of pressure and stress. They go to school and engage in different school activities, and after classes they go home usually with homework. They play video games and certain competitive sports, and with busy parents and schedules, they are often left unnoticed and ignored.

We commonly don’t think of those factors as stressful for children, but although we usually don’t notice that fact, the truth is that they are more often stressful than what we can possibly realize. So to help our children cope with such situations, you can help by enrolling them in yoga classes.

Yoga for kids has actually been around for a number of years now. They are taught in schools and at home knowing that yoga can help kids attain better health and well-being. Yoga for kids is also deemed great for relaxation, allowing the kids to feel better after a tiring day at school. Much to your surprise, many believe that yoga for kids can promote a strong sense of self-esteem and awareness of the bodily functions even at their early age. This is considered by most yogis and parents as a great gift for children.

There are many reasons as to why yoga for kids is highly recommended by thousands of people in the world. Another great reason for the continued appreciation for the practice is that yoga for kids is taught in a way that all the best things in a child’s life is incorporated, including games, language, music, storytelling, and other crafts. The children are also taught to recognize certain things in this changing, including plants and animals, which are usually incorporated in the exercises.

More to that, yoga for kids is taught knowing that children of all ages love to talk and move. This is what basically happens in the actual practice. For instance, the children are encouraged to take the roles of animals, flowers, trees, and even warriors. These moves, however, are shown through poses. The materials are just used as a form of inspiration, and it is nice to know that all of these are taught to show off the real purpose of yoga, which is expression and oneness.

Today, knowing all the benefits of the practice, yoga for kids is highly performed anywhere in the world. Several organizations have in fact emerged holding the principles of yoga for kids, and with more and more organizations coming out, many have seen the practice to reach the peak of popularity few years from now. This, of course, is great news for kids and parents as well.